

My name is Marine Lhomel and I am specialized in corporate communication for biotech/medtech/healthtech companies.

I started my career in the biomedical sector and I have been working for years with researchers, entrepreneurs and institutional actors involved in the development of innovative technologies.

I am passionate about the biotech sector and digital communication. I decided to launch Infused Communication to help scientists communicate better with each other, but also and especially with non-specialized audiences.

My goal? To bridge the gap between the worlds of health and communication by highlighting the people, ideas and solutions that may revolutionize the world of tomorrow.

My ambition? Thanks to digital communication and scientific popularization, to break down healthcare silos and to restore public trust in science and medicine.

Join me in this adventure !

To be a man is to feel,
by placing his stone,
that we contribute to build the world


Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ; Land of Men (1939)